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  1. B

    Partridge output transformers

    Actually, SJS Electroacoustics is an English company. It’s still around, but these days it only sells finished amplifiers, not parts. That’s a pity, because their transformers and power supply chokes were very high quality.
  2. B

    DC-link + GTO power supply caps

    The only resistors I have in my series crossovers are the ”swamping resistors” in parallel with the AVC Slagleformers for the mid horns and in parallel with the AVC Crites 3636 for the tweeter horns. This setup shows a stable 16 Ohm impedance looking back into the crossover and a high damping...
  3. B

    DC-link + GTO power supply caps

    I’d recommend that you try them out sooner rather than later. What crossovers are you using? Years ago when my VOTTs were straight A7-500s I briefly used the Altec N501-8A crossovers, but they were very dull and boring. Everything else that I tried was much better. Nowadays my VOTTs are more...
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    DC-link + GTO power supply caps

    You didn´t read my post very carefully, did you. To begin with my post was not about a low power DHT amp, but a DHT line amp. The 5 uF GTO cap was not the only cap in the two choke input power supply stages, it was in parallel with a 100 uF DC-link cap. There was nothing wrong with the voltages.
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    DC-link + GTO power supply caps

    Yes, I know. I noticed them in a photo of your crossovers some time ago. It’s you, me and Jeff Medwin. Nobody else uses them, as far as I know. If you have any left, I would strongly recommend you to try them in high voltage power supplies in parallel with DC-links. Choke input of course. This...
  6. B

    DC-link + GTO power supply caps

    These days I only use DC-Link caps bypassed with GTO-caps in high voltage power supplies. I’m grateful to Jeff Medwin/DrLowMu for the info on the GTO caps. I don’t often agree with the good doctor, but here he hit the nail on the head. He bought a few 5 uF Arcotronics GTO caps from a guy in The...
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    More Amp Construction

    I spy a couple of blue TDK DC-link caps on the left side of the photo. These days I only use DC-links (bypassed with GTO caps) in high voltage supplies. I have bought a number of these TDKs, but have not put them to use yet. It would be very interesting to hear your impression of these caps when...
  8. B

    In order of annoyance.

    I’m sorry for you’all. I don’t have any of the problems you’re all whinin' about. I must be blessed by the Lord.
  9. B

    DIY 1/4" Plate caps

    Yamamoto plate caps are by far the best I have used. Expensive but well worth it. The pressure of the cap can be adjusted to slightly different diameters of the top connector. Nothing else like it.
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    Capacitors...debunking the shame of vintage crossovers

    It seems like most of Captain Beefhearts numerous and voluminous posts on this forum can be boiled down to a single sentence: Electrolytic caps are just as good as plastic film caps, because my measurments say so. This puts me in mind of a famous saying by Daniel von Recklingshausen, one of the...
  11. B

    Klangfilm K-L430 Eurodyn

    If you had, you’d know that this is not a tractrix horn, it’s a Kugelwellen (spherical wave) horn. Quite different.
  12. B

    Klangfilm K-L430 Eurodyn

    You haven’t read this thread from the start, have you?
  13. B

    Klangfilm K-L430 Eurodyn

    For a description of the Kugelwellenhorn you might like to Google the Jean-Michel Le Cléac’h presentation Acoustical horns and waveguides from the 2010 ETF. It starts at page 78.
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    Klangfilm K-L430 Eurodyn

    It’s a Kugelwellen (spherical wave) horn, not tractrix.
  15. B

    VPI Classic III Noise Issue

    I looked up the Hurst PA motor fitted to the VPI Classic. This is a permanent magnet AC synchronous type. Three phase if I am not mistaken.
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    VPI Classic III Noise Issue

    What I mean by ”flailing around” is not that you post the same problem on several different fora, it’s your faultfinding method. Just randomly trying out a number of different things, none of which has the remotest chance of solving the problem at hand, that’s ”flailing around” in my book. My...
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    VPI Classic III Noise Issue

    ”Someone on another forum suggested the capacitor might be bad”. That was me on DIY Audio, one of at least three fora you have posted on about this problem. I don’t understand what you are trying to achieve just flailing about with no obvious solution in mind. DO WHAT I RECOMMEND AND THERE IS A...
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    DIY TA-7331-A here we go...

    Nice to see the Arcotronics GTO caps in there. They are very good.
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    DIY TA-7331-A here we go...

    Shellac is good for furniture, but for musical instruments and pine or spruce loudspeaker boxes there are better altrnatives. I’d recommend colophony (pine) resin dissolved in turpentine, or burgundy (spruce) resin dissolved in turpentine and a little linseed oil. Sounds clearly better...