Balanced Bridging Kit - PROCEED AMP 5 Instruction Book [Page 19]
PROCEED AMP 5 Manual Online: Balanced Bridging Kit. The ''normal'' leg of the Madrigal Balanced Bridging Input Adapter will be marked with a red stripe to indicate positive polarity, and the inverted leg will be marked with a black stripe to indicate inverted polarity (corresponding to...
I'm trying to find out more about bridging the 4 sections of the AMP5.. to double the output, 125w to 250.
My tech suggested it was possible but he's 6 hours away RT, FTL w L being LONG drive when I have way too much to do, to take not 1 but 2 6 hour RT. I kind of thought it would take an internal jumper to bridge the 2 and some level of knowhow but after a quick search.. the solution seems within my grasp.
From the pic, I also need the "Bridging Output Adapter" meh, 24 year old amp.. company doesn't exist anymo.
can I just use a paperclip ;D or measure and 'fab' / buy something more sophisticated like banana plugs and a some speaker cable?
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