Designing and assembling the ultimate horn based system

0) Electron Images “Amati” dual chassis preamplifier, with built in high-gain MC phonostage
1) A pair of Eternal Arts “Arpa” AD1 SE monoblock amplifiers by Dr. Burkhardt Schwäbe from 340 Hz to 3 KHz and from 6.8 KHz - 21 KHz
2) Radu Tarta “Sublime” PSE 4P1L amplifier from 3 KHz to 6.8 KHz and from 21 KHz - 30 KHz
3) A pair of Hypex FA503 Fusion Amps in bridged mode for 1000W from 80 Hz - 340 Hz
4) A pair of Crown XLS-1002 Series 2 amplifiers in bridged mode for 1100W from 27 Hz - 80 Hz
Radu Tarta is a true artisan