Yeah, I'm going to need to pile on to this opinion.
I've heard enough Manley to say I could Never recommend their products.
Besides being extremely ugly and cumbersome the Manta Ray is one of the worst sounding amplifiers I've ever heard, Tube or SS.
I have No idea how you do that to a 6BQ5?
Owned a pair of Fisher CA-40 PP Parallel 6BQ5 amps (24 watts) and they were superb sounding amps.
Worked on a few other pieces and they show a curious lack of organizational vision.
As for what to buy, I'd have to recommend a tube preamplifier of course.
Tubes4HiFi SP10 for less than 600$ with remote!!! Assembled... Wowzer, What else is even close?
Who else is making a basic straight tube line stage w/remote? I'd like to know.
PS: "Jumbo Shrimp" is an Oxymoron...