Nesting LS 25 Cables.

Looks like 300 ohm twin lead to me...
Yeah, at first glance, maybe, but those are 4 mm banana plugs on the ends, so the wire is probably better than an inch wide. Hard to tell without a known point of reference.

Twin lead on steroids.
Missed by 0.9 mm. I'll have to re-calibrate, for more accuracy, next time. ;)

Thanks for the pic. Pretty substantial cables, yet flexible.
Not bad considering you still use Inch and Dyns, Ergs, Maxwell, and CWT sorry pounds and not Stones. he he, us here use the Napoleon scale.
Not bad considering you still use Inch and Dyns, Ergs, Maxwell, and CWT sorry pounds and not Stones. he he, us here use the Napoleon scale.
Actually, farther afield, the rest of the country uses SI, just like you. Here, in Windsor, we are on the border with the rebellious colonials, who, for some inexplicable reason, cling to the Imperial system, despite their battle to shrug off the mantle of British Imperialism. Since our media content originates, in great measure, from across the border, we speak a patois of English, French, and Murrican. Temperatures are usually in degrees Fahrenheit, among persons older than millenials; distances in miles, among those of my generation; speeds in kph, since the signs read that way; Lumber in Imperial measurement, even though plywood is marked in metric, for the rest of the country, and so on.
+1 on incredible sound. I bought a pair of LS-25’s and have never been happier with a speaker cable.