I got them biased and hooked up. They act wierd with my Line Magnetic preamp. I think there are some impedance issues (lomng stork the LM preamp has a really strange design). I've got it sorted out and it's playing with the Tocara 42e speakers. They sound good together, and I expect them to get better. The fuses on the amps as well as the Marconi U-12 and the Western Electric VT-25 are NOS so they have fewer than 10 hours on them. I don't think they will ultimately end up with the Tocaros but it all depends upon what listening rooms are available when I finally find a house to buy. Maybe the Viking Acoustics Tubemasters if they sound good together. My Aric Audio 211 didn't sound great with the Tubemasters. I bought a pair of Vinnie Rossi Signature amps for the Tubemasters because I really think they sound better with more power (even though they are 96db efficient). I could also use them with Tri Art Audio Open Baffle 5, maybe the 211 amp driving the mids on up and a SS amp driving the bass. We'll see. I'll update as they break in.
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