Okay, who's in Burlington VT? HiFi Lounge to check out...

slagle and his SE50 amp at the ny noise '99

2 x SE50 I saw and heard in Manila recently

Resurgence of interest in the type 50 DHT?🤔 Unfortunately they're not easy to find.😔
I think EML is/was? making 50’s. Of course, not cheap.
Heard a 50 amp once on Altec 604Es. Just sublime; maybe better than any 300b I've owned or heard and tapping on 2A3 - but with power.

Would love to own one, or even to be able to find the tubes and parts to build.
I grew up with rock and roll…mostly from a GOOD FM station (algorithm doesn’t bother me) where the DJ didn’t talk over the beginning or end of songs and, yes, they occasionally played the side of an album. To me, number one has always been about the music and the musician. When we bought an album, one of the first things we did was record it R2R. I spent many a party night playing DJ with the turntable and R2R.
Since the early’70s, I have always felt that the most important part of a system is the speakers. Thankfully I followed the influence of some known here and got Altecs and DHTs.
Sorry for the rambling.
The internet's a weird space so never mind how I found this... but someone out East-a-way needs to do a bit of reconnaissance for us all!

Pay special attention to the stereo system here, folks.

And they're spinnin' some good tunes!

This place was on our short list to check out when we were out that way (over there) a year ago. If it wasn’t for a nor’easter, we’d have made it there. The same storm kept us from meeting the infamous @mhardy6647, hopefully another time. We did however, enjoy a wonderful live jazz night at a local inn as a consolation prize.
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This place was on our short list to check out when we were out that way (over there) a year ago. If it wasn’t for a nor’easter, we’d have made it there. The same storm kept us from meeting the infamous @mhardy6647, hopefully another time. We did however, enjoy a wonderful live jazz night at a local inn as a consolation prize.
Infamous. A badge of honor I hope to earn someday.
I've got the tubes and the parts to build 'em. Just need to find the time and the gumption.
I have been thinking - for decades - of writing a book called America's Gumption Crisis.

I'm not really sure what I'd write, though, so I haven't gotten around to it yet.
Tell ya what, though - I'd rather have gumption than grit*.
Maybe even spunk**.
Not the true, John Wayne kind; the kind that was all the rage in book titles, NPR news stories, and interviews a couple of years ago.
** Lou Grant notwithstanding.

Fortunately, there is room in multiple tribes.

@je2a3 @Redboy and @Topper (as well as J-Rob and Gary Kaufman, and some other, mostly thermionic, types) have influenced me in mammoth ways (and I say that as homage, not as complaint!).
Hang on —as I recall it, ‘twas you what led me astray, with all the cool Radio Shack scans and talk of three amps to five speakers und dergleichen.
Hang on —as I recall it, ‘twas you what led me astray, with all the cool Radio Shack scans and talk of three amps to five speakers und dergleichen.
Do you know... there're still folks asking variations on that question?! :face2

I've got three things to hook to two things that shouldn't all be hooked together, ever. Please tell me the best way to do it. Oh, and when you do, I will argue with you vis-a-vis your recommendation. Thanks!
