Only Time -- I Scored Super High

I'm too old to have played an Atari game or had a Myspace account......

Laughing. I know I looked at MySpace pages, I probably opened an account and created a page, but honestly I don't remember. I'm also not sure I ordered from Columbia House, but I probably did. The others - scored on all of them.
My Columbia House addiction? Their Laserdisc club. The deals on there were unbelievable. For our three introductory selections, just about everyone I know ordered the Star Wars trilogy, letterboxed, with the old blue/silver Fox jackets. I think the required purchased after that were very few (like two or three?). But the deals...monthly they'd send out a list of titles deeply discounted and I cleaned up. Bought LDs I'd seen locally for a fraction of the price, including some I'd never heard of.

As for Atari...nope. Did have a weird RCA game console though. Didn't really get into gaming until the first Nintendo console came along. I was more into writing stupid little programs on my PC in BASIC, or downloading a freeware version of Tetris. (There was also the dubious game called Astrotit. 🤣)

Very few on the list I haven't done. Never rented from Blockbuster--we preferred to support the local mom and pop video stores before Blockbuster ran them out of business. Plus, Laserdiscs again. I lived near an independent store that rented both LDs and the RCA CED videodiscs.

Never have written a cheque. Only a check. Because I'm not Canadian.
No MySpace account, no AOL address, everything else check, and many times over too, not just one fleeting instance.

My use of dial-up internet was pretty limited however, it was a business account through Prodigy and I used it sparingly, there had to be a very good reason for me to login from home. Wow how thats changed.
I just double checked. I did have a MySpace account. Still have an AOL one also.

I did, however, get my first Walkman last year. Does that count?
No MySpace account, no AOL address, everything else check, and many times over too, not just one fleeting instance.

My use of dial-up internet was pretty limited however, it was a business account through Prodigy and I used it sparingly, there had to be a very good reason for me to login from home. Wow how thats changed.
Same here re MySpace and AOL. But I remember using one of these. At work.
