The off-topic decluttering thread.

Whilst you lads are busy decluttering, if you need to move on an Empire 2000 e/III or a 4000, maybe we should talk. :)

(It might be just the thing for my Luxman table)
I have a bunch of Empire bodies but not those two (I don’t think). They don’t have the stylus though.
I'm the king of half-finished projects!!

A friend of mine shared his approach when he stalls out on a project...

Commit to spending ten minutes a day doing something -- anything! -- to move a project forward, even if that time seems like a tiny drop in a leaky bucket. Spend twenty minutes if you've got it, or five if you don't... the point is to simply do.

I've tried this, and it works. The actual doing of the thing is what gets the job done (duh, right?) but more importantly, it gets you past the inertia of project-block. My ten minutes often turned into an hour when I had the time.

Now, time to practice what I preach. :)
Now you tell me...


Of course, I've still got a Heathkit amp in the basement I promised to rehab for a fellow on AK -- a year ago.