A Review of Audio Note Cobra/AN-J speakers

Richard Austen

Junior Member
Normally I would keep this in the Audio Note thread over on the Steve Hoffman forum but as I owned the AN J/Spe for 13 years and Audio Note OTO integrated for the last 19 years and have auditioned the new entry-level Cobra integrated/DAC, I enjoy it when new people "discover" something I have liked for decades.

These three reviewers/dealers in Canada covered the combination (warts and all).

I always liked the AN J - I never fussed much over them - just play all day and enjoy - not nitpicking soundstage depth or trying to tweak things to get more of this or more of that because I just enjoyed the music. All music - all recordings all the time. And the reviewers noted this as well.

These reviewers/dealers have done a number of reviews over the years. I have seen a few and they have been pretty negative in the past - I was a bit surprised by their take on Audio Note because it's not like the stuff they sell. I agree with some of their points - no tube cage - power switch on the back - packaging that is enough "barely" - I'd probably add that their remote controls (when it is offered) are cheap plastic remotes from the bargain bin while other brands are using thick metal remotes that if it lands on your toe will put you in the hospital.
