Share your Qobuz playlists here!

I didn't see a dedicated thread to sharing Qobuz playlists, but thought I'd drop this in here for anyone to share their favorites. Either playlists we've made ourselves, or interesting playlists we've found at Qobuz. Since it is not easy for us to search for Qobuz playlists, this should help us find music.

Qobuz has a share button in their app which will generate a shareable link, which can be directly pasted in here. In addition, if you click the red "heart" button in the app, you'll "favorite" the playlist so you can find it easily; for Roon users, that will make it appear automatically in your list of playlists as well.

Some of mine are a work in progress, and a handful are associated with articles I've written elsewhere. I'll plop some into this post to get things rolling.

The Lyle Mays Collection: Assembled a few months after Lyle's passing. Highlights from his albums, a few from his time with Pat Metheny, appearances on others' albums or songs he contributed as a composer/producer, and a work he wrote for marimba player Nancy Zeltsman (in her duo Marimolin). It concludes with his final recording.

The Jazz Side of Henry Mancini: A selection of some of his big band and jazz combo recordings.

Peter Gabriel: i/o (the upcoming album): Peter is releasing his new work one song at a time, on each full moon. These are all the "bright side" mixes assembled in the order in which they were released thus far. I also have a Dark Side playlist, the remixed versions appearing with each new moon.

A handful of playlists for a series of Cal Tjader articles, split up by the labels he recorded for: The Early Fantasy Years, Verve Records, Cal Tjader/Eddie Palmieri, Skye Records, The Second Fantasy era, Concord Picante.

Urgh! A Studio War: Companion playlist for the 1982 film/soundtrack LP Urgh! A Music War. Studio tracks of all the songs appearing in the film, except for the group Invisible Sex (which made its only performance in the film). Basically a survey of new wave/punk bands in the era.

Hit Instrumentals: Two hours of familiar instrumental songs from decades past; some will appeal to lounge music fans. A fun project I put together a while ago.

PS Audio's Reference recordings: 128 tracks, created by the "big kahuna" himself.

Four80East: A collection of tracks from this Toronto-based groove/acid jazz duo (Rob DeBoer, Tony Grace).

CKLW Solid Gold: I probably assembled this from one of the CKLW lists I found online. It's a "collaborative" playlist so, if anyone wants to add to it, feel free.
I saved that one in Qobuz. 👍 I just need to get my own private playlist recreated on Qobuz one of these days. More a mix of classic "monster mash" type novelty records with sound effects and some tracks by Black Sabbath, Rob Zombie (how could I not use "Dragula"?), "Don't Fear The Reaper," etc.
Some tunes that I am very familiar with that I like to listen to on other folks' stereos.
I had a demo playlist for an article I wrote, but it needs a lot of revisions before I post it anywhere again.

I wish these playlists were easier to find on Qobuz. Unless I'm doing something wrong. I can easily link to them if they are posted here, but if I were to do a search on another person's system for one of my playlists, good luck finding it.
I didn't see a dedicated thread to sharing Qobuz playlists, but thought I'd drop this in here for anyone to share their favorites. Either playlists we've made ourselves, or interesting playlists we've found at Qobuz. Since it is not easy for us to search for Qobuz playlists, this should help us find music.

Qobuz has a share button in their app which will generate a shareable link, which can be directly pasted in here. In addition, if you click the red "heart" button in the app, you'll "favorite" the playlist so you can find it easily; for Roon users, that will make it appear automatically in your list of playlists as well.

Some of mine are a work in progress, and a handful are associated with articles I've written elsewhere. I'll plop some into this post to get things rolling.

CKLW Solid Gold: I probably assembled this from one of the CKLW lists I found online. It's a "collaborative" playlist so, if anyone wants to add to it, feel free.

Did Rosalie Trombley approve that CKLW playlist?

BTW, had both versions of their Solid Gold LPs.
I had a demo playlist for an article I wrote, but it needs a lot of revisions before I post it anywhere again.

I wish these playlists were easier to find on Qobuz. Unless I'm doing something wrong. I can easily link to them if they are posted here, but if I were to do a search on another person's system for one of my playlists, good luck finding it.

I asked in a Qobuz area on Zuk's site. If you know the name of the playlist it should find it. I just tried a couple, like your CKLW one, not perfect, but it found the ones I was looking for.

Also tried the AudioQuest list posted above and it found it.

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