The Tinnitus Club -- Muted Screaming Ears


Senior Member
Anyone else?
Today is sort of epic. I find myself realizing that the sensitivity in my right ear is on the slippery slope to deep attenuation.. The left ear just screams in sympathetic response; or is that brain crosstalk?

I did it to myself; with full admission. I'm not one of those suicide watch people because of it. But I've spent a lot of time making stereo recordings, and now they're a challenge to hear properly.
I've been to some concerts, and some were loud. One in particular, in 1990, left me with a damaged right ear. It never quit ringing.

There is a new study being conducted that somehow utilizes powerful magnetic impulses, with promising results.
I'll look for the link; check back.

"Washington: Magnetic pulses to the brain can deliver long-lasting relief for tinnitus patients, according to results from a promising clinical trial in the US.

Researchers at the Veterans Affairs Portland Medical Centre and Oregon Health & Science University found that transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) significantly improved tinnitus symptoms for more than half of study participants.
"For some study participants, this was the first time in years that they experienced any relief in symptoms," said Robert L Folmer, research investigator with the National Center for Rehabilitative Auditory Research at the VA Portland"
Loud amps in early & mid youth, gunfire & demolitions @ military operations, plus more than a few very loud stereo settings 'oer the years. @ the right side the cicadas scream constantly. Left side also "noteworthy", but has more hearing loss, maybe why the cicada chorus isn't quite so strident @ the left side?
Lately, I've been thinking about a mold, formed like a hand; a hand that is cupped behind your ear, like you do when you want to hear something really quiet or far off. But how do you attach this thing to your head, and look less dorky than one of the forehead flashlight things? Or, worse, the chin retainer on Fernwood Tonight (gotta have a few years on you to remember that one).
I've been sitting in what i assume to be my sweet spot (all the laser levels on the speakers point to that). I find myself settling in with my right hand cupped behind my ear. Thats my stereo imaging anymore.

My new stereo imaging head attachment apparatus prototype:
Mystic;n1881 said:
Loud amps in early & mid youth, gunfire & demolitions @ military operations, plus more than a few very loud stereo settings 'oer the years. @ the right side the cicadas scream constantly. Left side also "noteworthy", but has more hearing loss, maybe why the cicada chorus isn't quite so strident @ the left side?

Right ear for you too? Huh.

lets sneak up on each other on the right side.
I've had tinnitus in both ears since childhood, no idea why or where it came from. It has never become any worse, just goes up and down a bit with the weather and amount of caffeine or alcohol in my system. Pitch seems to be around g flat just below the dog hearing range and it sounds like it is smack in the middle of my head so it must be the same in both ears. I've long learned to tune it out except in the very quietest of situations. It doesn't seem to indicate a hearing problem in general as I can still make out around 17k in tests and will be 60 my next birthday. If someone did come up with a really good way of resolving the issue without causing some sort of collateral damage I'd be all for it, though!
Mine used to manifest itself at about 13khz in my right ear, where it hangs constantly. We were sampling that tiny violin, and following it into dog notes. My right ear screams at 13.5khz; the left one seems to be a bit higher, as I could follow the high string until we all agreed we weren't hearing anything except rosin and hairs.
Up here we call those not fully invested lily-dippers (describing how they paddle a canoe), and I admit to being one when it comes to tinnitus. My hearing is pretty normal for a guy my age, and I get a bout of tinnitus rarely. There may be some correlation with coffee or other diuretics, or maybe loud listening sessions. Even my mild case is not pleasant, and I feel for you with severe cases.
Almost three decades of playing drums nearly daily and many, many hours with an amplified band and only the second half of that period with hearing protection....countless hours spent at the racetracks, riding motorcycles and driving cars with loud exhaust...seventeen years running my business where the drone of equipment noise out in the shop is at a 90db constant...all that and no tinnitus until this last winter when a head cold packed the sinus cavities near my eardrums for more tha two weeks and though the head congestion went away the ringing never did.
I don't get any ringing, but after a few hours of listening at realistic sound levels, my right ear gets a pressure build up that can get uncomfortable. After a few hours, things get back to normal. The left ear has no such issues.

Nothing like any of you have had to endure, however, went to Punta Cana last December and came back with a left ear that simply would not work.............. turns out this is fairly common at my age while flying.............took a good 3-4 months to get full hearing back!!! Silver lining was that it made me go in and see an ears nose and throat specialist and turns out there was some fairly substantial blockage ( cartilage he thinks ) in left sinuses, have surgery booked for November 12 for it............... should help with the running a bit!!