Someone slipped a Mickey into my octal socket


You just casually drop that in here like "ain't no thang" and walk out without saying a word.

'e like that sometimes, 'e is.

Oh. @Redboy's uncharacteristically churlish pithy ;) post earlier made me think about the EICO AF-4 amplifier. Even EICO wouldn't call it "high fi", so no HF designation. :rolleyes:
The AF-4 has, as many of all y'all may know, identical round plugs* on the back panel: two for L and R loudspeakers (different impedance taps) -- and a third one to power a separate amp or preamp.

Ground and 8 ohm OPT tap or ground and B+
What could possibly go wrong? ;)

* OK, in theory, the speaker plugs have five pins, and the, shall we say, ZAP plug has four -- but the configuration of the four pin plugs is regrettably interchangeable with the five pin (although, of course, not vice versa). Do not ask me how I know this. 🤦‍♂️

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