Backyard birdies

Spring Nor'easter is... umm... Nor'easting. There's about 3 to 4 inches of wet snow out there as of 8 am. Yay. ;)

The birds R going predictably nuts.

Nuts, I say!

These are mostly pine siskins. There were 100 or more of them out there just after 7 am at the various feeders. They're probably migrating north.
Red-bellied Woodpecker.
They're reasonably common here, along with Downy & Hairy woodpeckers.
Kinda skittish with the feeder being close to the house.

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The red-bellied woodpecker was a southern bird. We have them here, now, year round. They weren't here when we moved to NH full time in 2014(!).

From June 2022, red-belly in the center of the photo.
This morning while out with the dog i heard a bird call that I was not familiar with*. Merlin Bird ID app identified it as a Carolina Wren. I did some listening to recorded Carolina Wren songs on the interwebs and feel fairly confident that the app made the correct ID. The Cornell Lab of Ornithology map shows the birds northern range ending just south of where i live. I expect hearing this bird may become more common as our winters continue to become less harsh.


*that’s not saying much as I can probably only reliably recognize about a dozen birds by their songs/calls.
^^^ ya coulda slipped dat pitcher in da no charge for lousy sunsets thread.
I'm just sayin'.

(we do allow sunrises, too -- again, just sayin')