Queen Elizabeth- Rest In Peace

Truly the end of an era. Britian's longest-reigning monarch. Ever.
Couple of interesting bits of "trivia" that you've likely heard (but, in case you haven't...):
  • The first PM to serve under Elizabeth II's reign was Churchill, born in 1874. The last, of course, is the newly minted PM Liz Truss, who was born in 1975.
  • The US has been an independent nation for (give or take) 246 years.
    Good Queen Bess was Queen of England for 70 of those years. 70/246 => 28.5% of the United States' history
Saw this on the Polk forums and thought it was very sweet (irrespective of the typo in it).


Two more indelible images from the Polk forum:


(with her first dog)
Agreed!! I was pleasantly surprised!! Perhaps I was a little quick to judge……..
He's an intelligent, passionate and pretty steadfast bloke. come down to it. Anyone who can dedicate himself to one woman (Camilla) through such adversity as they had is hardly lacking in dedication IMHO. He has been a hugely creative force behind many interesting projects and perhaps as sovereign some of those ideas can reach an even bigger canvas? He's long been portrayed as a bit of a lightweight flake, but in truth I think he was more "a fish out of water". He has by all accounts managed his estates (which now pass to his son) with great efficiency, the profits funding his many charity projects. Cut much more from his mother's cloth I think than one might suppose.
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I'm absolutely not a friend of the whole monarchy thing, but even to me HM Queen Elizabeth II was different, and special. When I was born, she already served her country and the Commonwealth as a Queen for 5 full years. For me, she was always present. And she always was a bastion of calm, always putting her commission over her personal wishes. I deeply respect that attitude.

Together with her husband, she was a promoter of reconciliation between the United Kingdom and Germany after World War II.

May she rest in peace!