There's A YouTube Channel for Every Bias

This is tough.

We are the indoctrinated, so perhaps we are too forgiving of crap sound in a demo and we blame 'show conditions.'

But, to a civilian, I could see that person being no-plussed by what is supposed to be a true High End demo. I mean, if the manufacturer can't get it right in a situation of their control, what would a reasonable civilian conclude?

The most common thing I hear from my wife when I take her around shows is "Wow, does that system have 20 tweeters?"

She's used to the whole show thing and she still hits rooms that are fingernails on chalk for her.

Rooms can be difficult to master, so maybe arrive a little early, or practice at home...I don't really blame people for some of the negative reactions.
I don't know this youtuber aside from the one video I just watched, but that one video seemed pretty reasonable to me.

I don't want to get all up on my high horse here or whatever but.... I've done nonprofit fundraising for years, and have spend the last decade or so working with folks who experience serious housing instability and homelessness, as well as lots of deportations and medical disabilities. It's difficult for me to tally some of those numbers because I'm aware of how many home down payments that could cover to get folks out of rent dependence. Hopefully that doesn't come across as judgmental, I'm just saying that 50k+ tabs for audio is a radically different life experience than many many folks who live near us (all of us)
What qualifications does that guy have to determine what are huge deals and what is legit?

I could not make it 20 seconds into the video and had this immediate desire to jump forward so as not to waste time. That confirms it missed the mark for me. It appeared to be more about the person making the video in the minute I tolerated listening.

Shouldn't we be enjoying our time listening to our favorite and newly discovered recordings on what systems we have, want, and at whatever price we decide to pay?