What Day Is It?

I don't know what is up with the munchies. I've had a gummy or two to help with back spasms. And even though my stomach isn't saying it's hungry, my brain keeps thinking its Pac Man, thinking that I should be eating everything in my path.

I've smuggled a bunch home from Colorado as they're 2x to 3x more expensive here. And I made it through Nebraska without being busted. But my friend who works in the legislature said she'd get any ticket taken care of if I got pulled over. 😁 She told me about a trick the Nebraska State Police use, as I'd asked her about these signs I had seen after rolling out of Colorado. They put up fake "drug checkpoint ahead" signs on eastbound I-80. The drug runners see that and pull off I-80 in the middle of nowhere to take the side roads...which is where the squad cars hang out and wait to pull them over.