This will GT 2000 lashes!!!

Had not mentioned it yet. But I am awaiting a tired SAEC WE-308. I have also sprung for some mod parts for it that will make it a bit different. Should be sweet when done.
Oh a wonderful table indeed! Even the stock arm is pretty nice- but I’d always fancied how a Technics EPA or SME V would sound (and look) mounted up on one.

The SAEC WE-308 should be impressive!
My brother in law moved a Dynavector XV-1 from a Reed to a Saec, do not know the Saec model other then it is 'J' shape. The Dynavector sound he feels improved, he has concluded the change in mass is the reason. Look wise the Saec has that era looks.

Onkyo 2000's, Yamaha 2000 . . . . I have a friend ready to sell his Honda 2000 (-:
Will the Spectral MCR Signature once again be hooked up with a GT2K ? It sure worked well on mine for a good long time....
Will the Spectral MCR Signature once again be hooked up with a GT2K ? It sure worked well on mine for a good long time....
When it returns from retip it may very well get some play here. It doesn’t belong to me anymore, but I am facilitating a proper rebuild back to spec, no small feat considering. And some testing will definitely be in order. The Ikeda 9 thats here is also a contender. With my Koetsu being determined to be uneconomical to repair, I am on the hunt for a suitable replacement.
Now if the Arm and all the mods I ordered would be so kind as to materialize….that would be great. On a separate note, I was so pleased with the results on the GT that I plan to do a similar detail on the Micro.
This is one of the mods that’s in store.


“It is a dynamic balance device that can be used for SAEC WE-308, WE-308N, WE-308L without processing the arm body. ◎ It is mechanically the same as Ortofon's dynamic balance type tone arm (RMG, RF, RS, etc.). ◎ It is a unique 3WAY device that can be used in static balance when the stylus pressure is zero, and can also be used in a mix of dynamic balance and static balance. ◎ The operation of the inside force canceller, lateral balancer, arm lifter, etc ...”