Qobuz announced their US pricing today

Someday, I’ll get on board again and see which I prefer. I’m tempted to try Quboz first tho, no codec to unpack.
Looks like Qobuz is now offering a DUO subscription, add a friend for $50 more a year?

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Looks like Qobuz is now offering a DUO subscription, add a friend for $50 more a year?

View attachment 49834
Wow, that seems like a really good deal.

I admit to be being just a touch paranoid with prepay non-refundable type stuff, though I did submit to that when I upgraded to Sublime to take advantage of the discounts on album download purchases. If Qobuz were to close their doors during my 12 month prepay, I'm pretty sure I'd be unable to recover any of the remaining money, but it's a risk I'm currently in the middle of taking.
Strange, I was looking for that yesterday and did not notice the asterisk.
I'm not entirely sure how they would be able to police it. Let's say for example one of the Family plan or Duo plan subscribers is a child, or anyone who doesn't have their own credit card billing address proof, then the way that sort of thing typically works is by IP address.

However with a mobile device you won't have a static IP, so as long as you never showed them two different non-mobile IPs (cable modems) I'm not exactly sure how they would be able to question it on Qobuz's end, especially since to the best of my knowledge there is nothing preventing any login using a VPN either, so in theory they would never see your real IP in the first place if you didn't want them to.

I'm not suggesting anyone should try to circumvent their rules by the way, as discussed in other threads here, this service is so damn inexpensive for what it offers, no one should be thinking they need to cheat. For the price of buying a single album or so per month, you get 24/7 listening access to nearly anything you could possibly imagine. In the end it saves you money, either by eliminating physical media purchases entirely, or by allowing you to try before you buy thereby eliminating the purchase of music that you end up not really liking. Huge value.
hmmmm, i'm seeing $15/month. is that some intro deal? i already have qobuz studio...
No that is the price, the only string attached or asterisk to look for there as opposed to the $10.83/mo. Studio plan is that like the Studio plan, they make you pay for the full year upfront instead of billing month-to-month to get the best price (Studio is $13.99/mo. when billed on the month-to-month basis).

They do also offer a month-to-month version of Sublime, but for $18/mo.

That is my memory of it from when I upgraded to Sublime, they want the full year commit to give you that deal, so there is an upfront outlay and then you have to make sure you actually make use of Sublime's significant discount on downloads and pick out an album or two every so often to recoup that additional outlay.

I still collect records (CDs and SACDs to be exact) and I don't mind having some albums in my collection as digital downloads, as I'm worried there may someday not be such a fabulous "rental" streaming subscription deal available. In the case of that new release above, there is no hi-res physical media option available. My only other choice was to buy the CD for $17.99 + shipping, more expensive than the hi-res download using Sublime. So now I own that album, and together with the other download discounts I've taken advantage of this year, I got my money back on the Sublime outlay.